• Research Team

Research Team

Faculty of Humanities, Charles University

Markéta Zandlová, PhD

Faculty of Humanities, Charles University

A social anthropologist teaching at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague.

For many years she has devoted her academic interests to the subject of boundaries and the process of social identity making, especially of ethnic identities. She has published the book Ethnic mobilization and identity politics: Aromanians in Bulgaria.

In recent years, she has focused on the social aspects of climate change, which she examines through discourses and practices, regarding the growing periods of drought in Czechia. In her studies, contemporary concepts of environmental anthropology are linked with the analysis of knowledge distribution and infrastructure networks.

She is the principal researcher in the project ‘Stories of Drought’. Moreover, she conducts the ethnographic field research around Nové Mlýny Reservoirs Cascade.

Karel Čada, PhD 

Faculty of Social Science, Chrles University and University of Economics

A sociologist who studies discourses and narratives in public policies. He uses these optics to analyse issues of social exclusion, migration and local aspects of global climate change. He is co-editor, together with Olga Smidova-Matousova and Blanka Tollarova, of the book Tracing (dis)Order: On morality, communication and power in the Czech healthcare system. In 2014/15, he conducted research aimed at identifying and mapping socially excluded areas in Czechia. Regarding environmental studies, he has taken part in research studying the attitudes of Czech citizens towards climate change, biodiversity protection and the social dimensions concerning the management of saving freshwater pearl mussels.

In this project, he is responsible for discourse analysis, public policy analysis and knowledge communication analysis; he additionally focuses on issues of civic participation and deliberation.

doc. Jakub Grygar, Ph.D.

Fakulta sociálních věd Univerzity Karlovy

Jakub Grygar je sociální antropolog, působí na Fakultě sociálních věd Univerzity Karlovy. Ve své výzkumné činnosti se dlouhodobě zabývá tématem ustavování kolektivních identit a marginalizace ve spojení s reprodukcí sociálního řádu. Terénní výzkumy prováděl v česko-polském pohraničí (Těšínsko – téma sociální paměti a jejího vztahu k proměnám lokálních a etnických identit; 2001–2004), procesy sociálního vylučování v romských lokalitách studoval ve Vsetíně (2006) a Roudnici nad Labem (2010), na polsko-běloruském pohraničí se zabýval každodenním ustavováním vnější hranice Evropské unie prostřednictvím drobného přeshraničního obchodu; 2005–2009). V letech 2015–2019 se nejprve na Etnologickém ústavu Akademie věd ČR, později na Fakultě sociálních věd Univerzity Karlovy věnoval studiu každodenního multikulturalismu a sociomateriální blízkostí v etnickém podnikání Vietnamců žijících v ČR.

V projektu Příběhy sucha má na starost koordinaci vytváření etnografických dat a provádí etnografický terénní výzkum v oblasti Novomlýnských nádrží.

Vojtěch Pelikán, PhD

Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University

An assistant professor at the Department of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University. His research interests include environmental anthropology, the sociology of sustainable lifestyles, environmental movements, and media. In his PhD dissertation, he studied the relation between Roma and nature. Recently, he has been involved in research on households of the so called ‘colourful’ (people who choose an environmentally-friendly way of living), on urban garden communities and on the environmental consequences of the church restitution process. In addition to his academic work, he publishes in the socioecological magazine Sedmá generace (Seventh generation).

On this project, he is responsible, together with his wife—also a social anthropologist—for the ethnographic field research in the Kyjov area.

Anežka Pelikánová, MA

Anežka Pelikánová studied social anthropology at the University of Pardubice. She has devoted her academic interests for a lengthy period of time to the issue of social exclusion, conducting a considerable amount of field research in Czechia and Slovakia. She prefers interdisciplinary research teams—she enjoys working with biologists, historians or architects. In addition to the deployment of ethnographic techniques in her research, she also makes use of participatory research methods.

Her participation in the project is a kind of reunion with the Kyjov area since she has already worked there on a project linking unemployment with community work.

Mgr. Kateřina Lučan

She graduated in Geology and Archaeology in Masaryk University in Brno where she participated in several research projects related to Environmental Geology. She has been an active member of various NGOs for more than 15 years, creating and teaching environmental programmes for schools, families and public. In the long term, she cooperates e.g. with czech national office of the Forest Stewardship Council.

She is passionate about outdoor education and personal development for youth as well as for adults. Occasionally, she works as a teambuilding instructor, coach, and trainer.

Her participation in the project is focussed on environmental education - online aplication and educational programme development.

Kateřina Šimková, B. A.

Faculty of Humanities, Charles University

Kateřina Šimková is a graduate student (MA) of cultural anthropology. In her diploma project she combines the issue of drought in the Nové Mlýny reservoirs area with theories concerning the anthropology of work and labour.

In the project, she is an organisational and technical assistant, but she also takes part in research activities.

Global Change Research Institute CAS, Mendel University in Brno

Prof. Miroslav Trnka, PhD

Global Change Research Institute CAS, Mendel University in Brno

Miroslav Trnka is a researcher at the Global Change Research Institute CAS and professor at Mendel University in Brno. He has been responsible for the architecture and methodology of the www.intersucho.cz system since he designed and managed its development and is currently engaged in evaluating its results. He leads or participates in studies analysing the causes and impacts of current drought episodes. As part of his research work, he is intensively focusing on the impacts of climate change, the study of meteorological and agricultural drought in the past as well as future projections for the twenty-first century. He is a principal researcher on the projects www.intersucho.cz, www.klimatickazmena.cz and www.vynosy-plodin.cz.

Monika Bláhová, MSc

Global Change Research Institute CAS, Mendel University in Brno

Monika Bláhová is interested in the processing, analysis, management and visualisation of data in geographic information systems (GIS). She mainly focuses on the automation of geographic data processing and remote sensing data processing. As part of her work, she is involved in the production of materials for the websites www.intersucho.cz and www.vynosyplodin.cz.

Her main task on this project is the production of maps and other graphical outputs.

Lucie Kudláčková, MSc

Global Change Research Institute CAS, Mendel University in Brno

Lucie Kudláčková focuses on the processing and visualisation of data in geographic information systems (GIS). She takes care of processing data obtained from farmers, as cooperating partners, who report the current impacts of drought in cadastral areas. As part of her work, she is involved in the production of materials for the websites www.intersucho.cz and www.vynosyplodin.cz.

Her main task on the project is the production of maps and other graphical outputs.

The Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening

Hana Skokanová, PhD

The Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening


A geographer and a landscape ecologist at the Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening, Hana Skokanová focuses on long-term land use changes and their impact on the present landscape. She studies the relation between the identification of valuable landscape elements already gone and how their restoration might help influence landscape resilience and stability. Her research is aimed at both the landscape/regional scale, from the perspective of leading trends in and processes of landscape change, and the detailed/local scale, from the perspective of landscape structure, with an emphasis on green infrastructure. Furthermore, she deals with assessing the functions and services of selected landscape elements.

As a co-investigator in the project, she cooperates with other organisations and amongst her team, coordinating work as regards landscape change assessments on landscape and local scales in the studied localities.

Marek Havlíček, PhD

The Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening

A geographer and a landscape ecologist at the Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening, Marek Havlíček focuses on long-term land use changes, historical landscape structures and the potential for their restoration. He focuses on the landscape and regional scales from the perspective of leading trends in and processes of land use changes and of the search for the driving forces of land use changes.

On this project, he is responsible for the evaluation of land use changes at the landscape and local level in the researched case studies, as well as for communication with local landowners, mayors of municipalities and other stakeholders.

Ing. Pavla Pokorná

The Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening

Je krajinná ekoložka ve Výzkumném ústavu Silva Taroucy pro krajinu a okrasné zahradnictví a studentka doktorského studia na Mendelově univerzitě v Brně. Zaměřuje se na výzkum historických struktur v krajině, zelenou infrastrukturu a ekologické sítě, způsoby obhospodařování krajiny a jak se mohou tyto poznatky protavit do udržitelného krajinného plánování a zlepšení krajiny. 


V projektu se podílí na vytváření scénářů budoucího vývoje krajiny a také přispívá k přetavení získaných poznatků do podoby srozumitelné běžným občanům.

members in 2019-2020:

Martin Tremčinský, MA

Faculty of Social Studies, Charles University

Martin Tremčinský is a social anthropologist whose academic interests focus mostly on technology and social studies in the context of contemporary society. He is currently a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Social Studies, Charles University.

On this project, he is responsible for identifying how the problem of drought functions in the Czech media and political discourses.

Martin Musil, MSc

The Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening


A geographer at the Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening and also a PhD student of physical geography at the Department of Geography, Masaryk University in Brno. His research is focused on species diversity, especially in the context of Central European landscapes.

On this project he processes and analyses spatial data regarding landscape history.

members in 2019:

PhDr. Ivan Rynda

Faculty of Humanities, Charles University


The founder of the study program Social and Cultural Ecology at the Faculty of Humanities and an expert lecturer in the field (with experience in politics and in environment conservation and preservation organisations: Federal Assembly of the Czechoslovak government, National Parks Council, Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic, Czech Commission for UNESCO, Czech National Committee for UNESCO, Man and Biosphere Programme, etc.). In his work, he methodologically connects social and natural sciences regarding sustainable development.

In this project, he is responsible for training and educational programmes for youth and the general public.

Renata Svobodová, MA

Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University

A doctoral student at the Department of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, she specialises in climate change psychology. She is interested in how people perceive climate change, what they feel, how they cope with it, and how to reflect it all in climate change communication.

On this project, she participates by preparing communication strategies, deliberative meetings and workshops.

Denisa Kaloková, MA

The Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening

Denisa Kaloková currently works at the Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening on projects researching long-term changes in landscape utilisation and, generally, in landscape structure.

Her interest lies in environmental modelling, which she is to engage in the project so as to prepare scenarios for the future development of the landscape.

Last change: March 15, 2021 15:10 
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Fakulta humanitních studií Univerzity KarlovyCzechGlobe, Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR

Výzkumný ústav Silva Taroucy pro krajinu a okrasné zahradnictví


Lead Researcher:

Markéta Zandlová, PhD


608 605 772

Faculty of Humanities, Charles University

Pátkova 2137/5, 182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Czech Republic

IČ: 00216208

DIČ: CZ00216208

Project TAČR TL02000048

Duration: 2019 – 2022

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